Digital DSP Based Transducer Indicators
Digital Signal Processor has advantage over traditional analog circuitry that it does not have component aging effect and drift so our indicators give accurate and stable readings for long time.
- Analog Input: 1 to 16 Channel (Standard, can provide more inputs on requirement)
- Input Type: LVDT, Load Cell, Strain Gauge, RTD, Thermocouple, Pressure, Voltage, Current (4-20mA, 0-50mA), Counter, RPM, Vibration Sensor.
- Display: Graphics LCD or LED Display
- Resolution: Up to 24bit
- Analog Output: Up to 2 (voltage output or 4-20mA out)
- Digital Input/Output: Up to 16
- Filters: Inbuilt Digital Filters for highly stable readings.
- PC Connectivity: LAN, USB2.0, RS232/RS485, Wi-fi (optional on requirement)
- Set Points: Each channel have independent set points for alarm or control (High limit and low limit)